Macaroni and Cheese Pleezee!
Macaroni and Cheese has become a side dish that we southerners have come to love and expect at every potluck dinner or at family holiday get togethers. I think that our love for Mac and Cheese comes from the warmest childhood memories.
Photo By Hermes Rivera
But of course, growing up in the Gen X era we tend to envision mac and cheese in the form of a blue or yellow box with big bold letters on the front. Right? Of course, you!
We never think about where the cheesy, warm and delicious dish came from. Mac and cheese can be traced back to the medieval period and can be found in an English cookbook entitled Forme of Cury. In the thirteenth century a primitive form of macaroni and cheese recipe was traced back to an Italian cookbook the Liber de Coquina. Yes, my friend’s mac and cheese has been loved by many generations prior to ours.
More Mac & Cheese facts
Our “Traditionalist” grandparents were introduced to Marconi and Cheese as a meal that could feed a family of four. Remember our grandparents are the generation that was famous for being “savers” within the Great Depression.
Did you know that July 14 is the National Marconi and Cheese Day? Let the celebration begin and say cheese!