First who is the Generation X population? Anyone born between the years of 1965-1980 is a Gen X. After reviewing a basic generational difference chart that I found by using search engines like Google or Bing , I was surprised to learn I do have some of the standard qualities or similar attributes of my generation. I love computerized technology and enjoy learning everything I can about receiving and sharing information through our contemporary world.
Our generation’s core values are flexibility, higher expectations with jobs, careers and education. We like diversity but crave balance within our lives. Our work ethic is to work smarter and not harder. We also place more emphasis on the value of family. This sense of value has originated from watching our over worked parents.
Our parents aka “The Baby Boomers” are the workaholic generation. My father who was the main income earner of our family shared this typical quality. His focus was making money for our family but he also needed to feel that he was an important part of his work team. The typical Baby Boomer generally has one career or job until the day they retire. There is no flexibility when it comes to earning a wage for their families. This thought process can be contributed to their parents, the Traditionalists. The Traditionalists were “savers” by nature. The Great Depression brought economic crisis to our country (Searle, 2019). Our grandparents from an early age instilled into our parents that employment stability was the number priority.
As the result of observing missed birthdays or holiday’s our generation has went the opposite direction then our parents or grandparents. We happily take the time away from work for the yearly family vacations or holidays . This time also allows our generation to reload so that we can become more productive within our place of work. At work we like to be independent, possess positivity but we still like to have fun. Yes, even at work!
The best part of being a Gen X woman ( aka Jen X) is that I have the flexibility, knowledge and creativity to reinvent myself into anyone I want to become. Age is not the deal breaker for the Southern Jen X. She has the time and incentive to reinvent herself. For example, Jen X could have worked in the medical field for over 20 years. Instead of being satisfied in this one career path until retirement age, Jen X has decided to extend her career path in other directions or reinvent herself by gaining a higher education such as going to college for a master’s degree in a different job field or discipline. I don’t think my parents, nor their parents had the creativity, opportunity or the luxury to embrace change in this way.
Listen up Jen X! As we are aging gracefully into our 40’s-50’s we need to take advantage of the opportunities that are now before us and embrace this season of life. So take a chill pill, grab a glass of sweet tea and enjoy the excellent ride!
Ellen.tout.(2018, July 13). What’s the secret formula for career happiness? Retrieved from’s-secret-formula-career-happiness
Searle, B. (2019, January 16). Millennials, Gen X, Gen Z, baby boomers: How generation labels cloud issues of inequality. Retrieved from